200枚 限定発売
Limited 200 sheets
18,000 円
2024-2025 SEASON
Limited Offer: Only 200 sets. 18,000 Yen
Karuizawa Basecamp Passport
Ski at 10 ski resorts around Karuizawa !
Not just a one day lift pass - winter activities, meal tickets, onsen spa tickets, local discounts and more!
6 one day passes included. Use it by yourself or with friends.
2024.11.1 ~ 2025.3.31
2024.12.1 ~ 2025.3.31
Karuizawa Basecamp Passport is recommended for those people !
軽井沢ベースキャンプパスポートはこんな方に おすすめ です!
Want to enjoy shopping, gourmet and hot springs other than skiing !
⇒ Karuizawa boasts first class shopping spots such as Prince Shopping Plaza and top class gourmet spots. You can enjoy hot springs or meals at ski resorts with Karuizawa Basecamp Passport.
Want to enjoy other winter activities !
⇒ You can enjoy Snowshoe tour or Nature Watching tour with Karuizawa Basecamp Passport.
Want to enjoy resorts with family or group members !
⇒Ski resorts around Karuizawa have much slopes for families or day nurseries. 6 one day passes can be shared with friens and save some costs !
提携スキー場・アクティビティのご案内 / Ski resorts & Activities
Each ticket can be redeemed for a 1-day lift pass or a winter activity at any ski resorts and activity centers. Many resorts offer facility discounts in addition to the lift ticket. Ticket can be exchanged for lift passes / coupons at the ticket center of each resort.
10 スキー場 / 10 Ski resorts
ご利用の流れ / How to use
18,000 yen for a 6-ticket pack
Each ticket can be redeemed for a 1-day lift pass or a winter activity at any ski resorts and activity centers. Many resorts offer facility discounts and coupons in addition to the lift ticket. Ticket can be exchanged for lift passes / coupons at the ticket center of each resort.
お買い求め方法 / How to buy
軽井沢町観光振興センター Tel: 0267-41-3850
軽井沢観光案内所(軽井沢駅構内)Tel: 0267-42-2491
軽井沢観光案内所(くつかけテラス内)Tel: 0267-45-6050
軽井沢観光会館 (旧軽井沢)Tel: 0267-42-5538
Ticket books can be ordered from the following form. We will inform you of the account information by return. Payment is by PayPal (Credit Card) or bank transfer. The ticket book will be sent within 3days after payment confirmation.
*Tickets will be shipped only to locations within Japan. (Tickets can be shipped to your hotel in Japan.)
*Tickets is not sold at any ski resorts and any places in Karuizawa.
ご利用上の注意 / Notice
・Unused tickets will not be refunded in cash.
・Tickets cannot be used in conjunction with other discount offers.
・Tickets are only valid within the defined “period of use” (12/1/2023-3/31/2024).
・Tickets exchanged for lift passes and other special offers cannot be returned.
・Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced or re-issued.
・When exchanging tickets for lift passes, please follow ski area rules related to lift pass use.
・Tickets cannot be exchanged for two or three day lift passes, or used to pay for multiple day passes.
・Tickets will not be refunded in the case of lift stoppage due to inclement weather or accidents.
・Ski resorts may change the cost of lift passes during the season; this will not change the redeemable goods/services offered by each resort in exchange for a Karuizawa Basecamp Passport.
チケットが余ったら / Unused tickets
購入 したチケットを使い切ることができなかった場合は、軽井沢町エリアの特産品と交換することができます。交換期間は2025年4月1日~2025年5月31日事務局必着です。それ以降は引き換えできませんのでご了承下さい。特産品の詳細は2025年3月中旬頃に公式サイトで発表いたします。
Unused tickets may be returned to Karuizawa Travel & Consulting with your name, address, phone number, and your choice of goods between April 1-May 31,2024 for a goods coupon.
*Please note: Goods can be shipped only to locations within Japan.
チケット販売・お問い合わせ / Ticket Sales & Information
長野県知事登録旅行業2-592 (社)全国旅行業協会正会員
TEL. 050-5866-6125 FAX. 050-3852-1672
MAIL. > Contact form
Karuizawa Basecamp Project
c/o Karuizawa Travel & Consutling
Travel license 2-592
TEL. 050-5866-6125 FAX. 050-3852-1672
MAIL. > Contact form
•Organizer: Karuizawa Tourism Association
•Patrons: FM Karuizawa, Karuizawa Winter Festival
•Supporters: Matsuba Taxi, Karuizawa Hotchi Ichiba, Love Japan Brand